Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life Goes On

Despite everything that's happened in the past month, I have survived and carried on, and things have improved. Upon returning to Bangkok...

Within four days I had purchased a new camera

Three days after that(Friday) my friend Taisei gave me his 30GB iPod as an early birthday present since I lost mine(and I've named it Bruno)

Thai Airways called me Halloween morning to tell me that my lost luggage had been found and I could pick it up at the airport

Two days later my new 52 PAGE passport was ready at the embassy (with a letter for immigration to please transfer my work visa into it)

So although it was a tough few weeks, it is true that nothing is irreplaceable (except my pictures, which thank goodness I still have, lol). Life has gone on. :)


Edd Russell said...

..and you...
you're irreplaceable as well.
Nice as your pictures are, I think we would sooner lose them than you.

Amelia said...

Ha I said noTHING, not no ONE. ;)