Monday, January 24, 2011

How to successfully break your fall with your face..

My dear friend Katie, who does AIDs research here in Thailand(which, if I may be so bold, is quite the booming business here) had a moment of weakness last weekend while on a walk, and fainted, breaking her fall with her face. Luckily, her friend was with her and she regained consciousness within a few seconds. She got a few stitches on her lip, but otherwise is okay. Her hospital room was like a hotel, and she was plenty pampered. Needless to say, she was sent home the next day, and went back to work after four days. This week, she looks 100% better, and other than a bloodshot eyeball and some fading bruises, she's as good as new. :)

Her face the day after it happened:

Her huge comfy hospital room, all to herself:

Her face last night at church:


Katie said...

Ha thanks Amelia! The first picture really is quite flattering ;)

Anonymous said...

So happy she is okay. What a beautiful hospital room; I get sick, I'm going there! Rosa