Maybe that should say "We're official"...
Either way, Flo and I have decided to make our relationship exclusive.
YES, we know that long distance is difficult.
YES, we know that we are in different countries.
YES, we know that we are on different continents.
YES, we know that we are a 6-hour time difference apart.
YES, we know that everyone thinks we're crazy.
But we don't care. We've talked about it, gone back and forth, and see no other way around the distance than to just deal with it. It is what it is. Nothing worth doing is easy, and we're definitely worth it.
Thank goodness for skype.
Congrats on relationship status. He is a cutie too (not that I ever doubted your taste in men!)
well I had 4 hours, 5 in the winter, and 2 years later... There is that "silly ring" on my finger... get the picture? ;)
Totally do-able! Kent and I did the long distance thing for a whole year before we got married with a 10 hr difference in time zones.Thank God for Vonage!
Sigh..I think it'll be somewhere around 5-ish years for us..
We did the long distance thing, too. We had been on a team together but not interested in each other. Went to visit Ingrid in Canada on my wa across the continent and things started to spark as we we leaving. She visited me in Alabama at Christmas. I visited her a few months later and we go engaged. Next saw her when I went for the weeing.
This was a couple of years before skype. OR email. Or digital photos.
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