Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Recent Events

Just to get you caught up on some things that have happened in the last two weeks (since I've been completely consumed with the Olympics since my last post, and still am):

BBQ at Sunny's

The Olympics have started!

The new Sister has built a room on the first floor that, correct me if I'm wrong, is a death trap should we ever have a fire. Only one way in and out, the *new* windows next to the door don't open (ONLY non-opening windows in the school, btw), and the windows on the other side have BARS OVER THEM. WHY ARE THERE BARS?! We're a school, not a prison! -____-

Baby Jared is getting bigger and bigger!

My P6 students enjoyed their vocabulary review game.
Watch them..they're short and funny(the clips, not the students..) :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure sounds like you are saving your voice NOT! Rosa