Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Way to rain on my parade..

What's that saying about "no such thing as a free lunch?" Well I do get a free lunch (if I want it) here, but apparently bandaids are not free. On my way out of the doctor's office today I was handed a bill for the two dressings so far, and I have to go back to do another one tomorrow. Ugh..so much for being under 3000B. I'm now a few hundred baht over that. sigh..
Total bill for the day: Taxi: 87B to (due to traffic), and 111B home (due to a driver who didn't follow my directions and kept yabbering away at me in thai).
Dressings: 1065B

And as if the bill and the taxi driver weren't enough, rainy season reminded us of it's presence today in full force right around lunch time.

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