Saturday, January 15, 2011

Teacher's Day

You may remember back in June when we had Wai Kru Day, and if you're wondering how this day is different, well, it's not really. Except that the students presenting the 'gifts' are older students this time, and the 'gift' isn't really a gift, it's a ribbon-y flower that we get to pin on our tops and wear around all day. There were still songs and dance performances on the stage, although we were 'graced' with the presence of Mother Superior, whose birthday it happened to be, and they also sang Happy Birthday to her as well.

All the students

Finding our assigned seats

Some of my students

The gifts for Mother Superior

The two Sisters, and Mother Superior(middle)

Dance #1

Dance #2

Dance #3(the best one)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last dancers did a great job; I loved their outfits. Rosa