Midterms are coming in two weeks, and it seems every day I go into work there's another rule/restriction from the head dictator-..I mean, Sister..at the school. She insists on our work being completed and thorough, yet continues to move deadlines up, shorten class times, and send students on random field trips. Forty minute classes are a nightmare, and I felt incredibly rushed all day today. I moved their Unit 2 exams up to tomorrow to try to get my grades in sooner, and then one class informs me today that they're going on a field trip to the temple tomorrow; I don't have them on Wednesdays, so they won't have their exam until Thursday, so any chance of having grades completed by then is out the window.
I have a couchsurfer coming Thursday afternoon. Hoping I'm finished with all this scoring nonsense by then.
And on top of it all...now I have an ear infection. Super. Doctor's got me on 500mg of Dicloxapen 4x a day for the infection, and 500mg(x2) of Paracetamol every 4-6 hours for pain, as needed. I'd forgotten how much ear infections hurt; can't sleep on my left side, even WITH the pain meds. :(
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