This morning in my 5/5 class, Yod(originally my worst troublemaker) asks if he can have five minutes at the end of class to "surprise" me. Many possibilities flooded my suspicion at that moment, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said okay. So, at the end of the lesson, he and a group of the other students had all huddled around a desk on the far end of the room, and, following lots of giggles and glances over their shoulders, turned around and presented me with a birthday cake while singing Happy Birthday to me! It was complete with a single, lit, candle, and although my first thought was "okay who brought the lighter to class cuz that is NOT allowed," I decided this was one time it would be okay to let that go. It was so sweet, and made my day, not to mention the three birthday cards that Pim, Bo, and Dream also made for me. <3
Clockwise from left to right: Bo, Dream, Petch, Loogtan, Earn, Toey, and Yod.
And you didn't want to be a teacher.... :) Rosa
Ha. Birthday cake is adorable, but it doesn't forgive/excuse bad behavior the rest of the year.
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