It was an adorable wedding. Not too big, not too long (though I did leave the reception a bit early to catch my brother's after-graduation dinner), and I'm so very glad I could make it. Congratulations to the happy couple. :)
Here are some of the "special moments" (and some funny shots) I captured:
Me, Taryn(my hot date), and Jenna |
Worship before the ceremony (Katie's sisters singing - Sarah(L), Jenny, and Emily) |
I would love this picture, but that upside down white flower was driving me nuts the entire time :/ |
Just about ready for the bride to make her entrance! |
Ring bearer and flower girl, brother and sister Ian and Madilynn Morris, pulling a little wagon with lemons and limes. How precious. |
The bride (Katie) and proud daddy |
The kiss...sorry it's fuzzy..I tried to get it too quickly. |
Mr and Mrs Clough! |
Taryn and I with our programs-on-popsicle-sticks |
One of the lovely flowers baskets decorating the reception area :) |
Enjoying our picnic reception |
Enough with the toasts...I want some cake! :P |
That's more like it! :D |
So sweet...though I must say I was quite disappointed that there was no smashing of the cake in the face of either of them.
The bouquet toss. I did not participate, as this tradition has proven quite unreliable as a "next wedding" predictor, despite my best efforts in the past. Trust me. I've caught 6 bouquets. (Some of my Stockton readers may remember the infamous bouquet toss* of '08 at the Petersen/Stavenger wedding between myself and a particularly determined bridesmaid - the DJ was so amused with MY determination that he insisted I join the men in the garter toss as well**. Fun times.) |
The Maid of Honor caught the bouquet :) |
Retrieving the garter |
The toss - notice there are only TWO MEN vying to catch it. And people wonder why I'm not married. Slim pickin's, folks. |
Me with the newlyweds. Notice I did a FANTASTIC job matching my dress to their theme ;) |
The first dance. It started right before I had to leave, but I had to
stick around to watch and take a few pictures, it was too sweet not to.
She just looks so happy. :) |
*The aftermath of the aforementioned bouquet struggle. (I had the stems, she had the flowers on top.)
**And the garter toss. That's me, dead center. I know, my parents were so proud.
I should probably also mention that I did not end up walking away with either one of the 'prizes', though I clearly had the stalk of the bouquet (as evidenced in photo 1). Nevertheless, I was 1st runner-up for both, as evidenced in the photo above. Had it not been for that guy on my left.... ;D