Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Now before you go busting out your English-Thai Google Translator to read the title, read the story, and you may figure it out by the end.

Sunday night I woke up at 2am to what appeared to be, in my groggy sleepiness, a firefly dancing and buzzing around behind my microwave. Then I smelled something burning, and thought the poor stupid bug had gotten itself singed on a wire or something, turned on the air to eliminate the smell, and went back to sleep. Didn't see anything out of the ordinary Monday morning, so I headed off to work without giving it so much as a second glance. Only when I got home after work that evening and my microwave wouldn't turn on did I start to think maybe it wasn't just a little firefly.

I turned my microwave around, and this is what I saw:

It was a lizard. It had apparently decided to climb, or try to climb, into the back of my microwave and commit suicide. It was disgusting. I tried calling Rani to come help me deal with it, but he didn't answer. I grabbed rubber gloves(so glad I'd decided to buy them "just in case"), unplugged the box and carried it out to my porch, then used a shishkabob stick to pry the little sucker out.

I sprayed the army of ants with my brand new can of RAID(which was almost instantaneous death for them, something I was quite thankful for), and then brushed them off. I carefully disposed of the fried critter in the dumpster outside, and cleaned the back of my microwave the best I could before taking it back inside. It works fine now.

Mission accomplished.


Anonymous said...

That WAS a baby gecko, poor thing, and they eat bugs and spiders. He must of smelled food. Mom

Donna said...

So I'm guessing the title word is "GROSS." Am I right? Good story!

Anonymous said...

Nope, the title word is tuk ke which means gecko in Thai. Rosa

Donna said...

I have another title: ICK-O