Thursday, July 14, 2011


Two weeks ago my coworkers reserved a field at a nearby sports complex for a game of soccer amongst each other, open to anyone who wanted to join in. I thought, hey, why not? Could be fun. And it was! But it was also quite exhausting, and a good kick in the rear to remind me how out of shape I am.



As you can see, I was injured. Steven(the blonde with the tattoos all over his arms) was on me like white on rice every time I got the ball, and he got in one(whether accidental or intentional, we'll "never know") good kick to my shin, and without shin guards, it proved quite painful. I finished the game, with a slight limp, then iced it when I got home. The actual visible bruise didn't surface until a week later, and this week that bruise has begun to fade, and another, more centralized bruise has surfaced.

I've passed up playing the last two weeks, needless to say. If I can come up with some shin guards by next Tuesday, maybe I'll join in again. But we'll see.


Anonymous said...

Use duck tape and put bubble wrap around your shins; then cardboard on top. Will work great. An ace wrap over top will help keep it in place if the tape gets loose. Rosa

Amelia said...

This is assuming I have duct tape, bubble wrap, cardboard AND an ace wrap just lying around. Okay I have the ace wrap, but I think it'd be cheaper to just invest 100B or so in shin guards.