Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cake Walk

Don't ask me what a cake walk is, because even after attending one, I'm still a little fuzzy on the definition. But essentially there are cakes...and you play games...and the winners get cakes. And then we make them share their cake with everyone else. HAHAHAHAHA!!

But yes. That's exactly what happened.

We all met at my friend Michelle's house on the 16th for the event, and it was a sort of piggy-back event on the all-day celebration/fundraiser that her community was having for the owner of their land (an organization that provides health/medical care for old and sick monks).

We made walking tacos! You get bags of chips, and just add the toppings in the bag and mix it up, then eat! 

One of my 5 bags of walking tacos

We played 'musical spoons' for this cake (a lot like musical chairs...only we didn't have chairs...)

Eating our cake and ice cream
Live (loud) band and dancing :D

They danced ALL NIGHT hahaha


Money Tree

Trying to hook two of the gold triangles and pull them off the tree to win a prize
As you can see, this looked very safe, with all the long sticks with bent wires on the end, lol
I got two!

Nightcaps with Celeste(L) and Michelle :)

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