It rained like crazy on the way there, but had stopped by the time we were done shopping. I finally broke down and bought a microwave, so start sending me Mac and Cheese!
Safeway Brand spiral boxed mac and cheese is my preference, but any is fine as long as it has MICROWAVE INSTRUCTIONS on the box. I can't cook it any other way. Oh and anything else anyone wants to send me, send it regular mail. Don't use FedEx or Dhl or any of those(they cost you more and they cost ME to receive them). But flat rate boxes are good, as are letters :). I bought two new dresses for salsa dancing(pictures to come later), and can't wait to put them to use. I also bought sponges and bathroom cleaner, as I have finally accepted the fact that my bathroom is in fact mine, and that no one is going to show up to clean it for me if I don't do it myself.
lol this just made me laugh
That last pic made me laugh too, is that an oxymoron or what! Congrats on the microwave. :)
You're a funny girl, Amelia. Keep the blogs coming!
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